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Thank you for stopping by my site!

I am excited to share value and content that I hope will either inspire or add value to your life.

One of my passions has always been connecting people to resources or others. Another large passion of mine has always been health and natural healing.


I love meeting new people on this journey and look forward to connecting or working with you!

I wanted to share a little bit about myself so that you can get to know me a bit.

My name is Trisha Bertelson. I am a wife and full time working Mom to one little dude named Laurin + two German Shepherds - Breckenridge & Denali.


Anyways, I wanted to share my “why” and how I started on this path of living mindfully + natural healing. It was shortly after my Mom passed away in March of 2016 that my body started saying - enough is enough.


For as long as I could remember, I’ve always been a perfectionist and a workaholic. Someone who didn’t know how to live in the moment or celebrate life's successes - always moving on to the next project etc.


In April of 2016, I noticed something was off and I wasn’t quite feeling like myself physically. I would feel light-headed when standing, have extreme pain in my neck and kidney area + be downright tired but never able to turn my brain off. For two years while taking care of my terminally ill mother - I had been sleeping 5 hours at most per night and working a full-time job. On avg, I would spend 3 hours sometimes more just driving a day to make sure she was taken care of.


I didn't have a doctor I trusted and knew I wanted to go to a functional doctor to find the root of my nonstop feeling of crappiness. My sister in law referred me to Lake Pointe Wellness. My husband was in full support for sending me. I completed a functional physical and found that I had extreme adrenal exhaustion and extremely stressed out kidneys. The doctor I was working with said she could give me all the tools to heal myself but we need to work on healthy habits and cutting out stress + rest (and lots of it).


Life had been such a roller coaster since my Mom’s cancer diagnosis that I just wanted to get better and agreed to do whatever the doctor recommended. I knew my exhaustion was due to helping usher my mom to heaven the way she wanted and I’m proud to say that we could do that despite my health spiraling. I quickly realized that I had taken my health for granted my first 29 years of life and I would devote the next chapter of life living more mindfully and going to bed at a decent hour!


Insert Lake Pointe Wellness + my doc (Dr. Carrie). God put this Wellness clinic and doctor into my life and I realized that all I had gone through was for a purpose to be able to help others that were going through similar issues or hard times to start on the journey of healing themselves. Insert my passions - health and connecting people to resources and others!


My Website is mainly about Ganoderma, sometimes called Reishi Mushroom.


It took me three years of using this product to feeling confident enough to share.

I pride myself on being an advocate for encouraging others to take care of themselves before its too late. I also believe in a more natural approach to all illness. Don't get me wrong, there is a time for harsh drugs and I absolutely believe everyone should do what is best for their body and beliefs!


Doctors around the world including My Dr. Carrie have been healing people of:


CANCER (breast, ovarian)

MS (stage 4)



Decreasing the amount of insulin needed for DIABETES

Supporting FERTILITY





To just name a few!


So if you somehow stumbled upon this page, or found your way here because you are struggling with one of the above or perhaps something else. Let’s chat.


Organo created these Ganoderma infused drinks to make living healthy - easy!


If you enjoy coffee, there are 5 different kinds. There are teas, energy drinks, and cocoa (the best ever)! Swapping out one cup a day will upgrade your life.


What do you have to lose?

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